Getting the most out of Artificial Intelligent Assistants.

Getting the most out of Artificial Intelligent Assistants.

While doing my internship, I doubled up as my bosses’ secretary. I had no experience as a secretary and only relied on my skills as a journalist to execute my duties. While I was good in taking notes because a lot of my training revolved around taking notes, I lacked in so many other things that makes a secretary efficient. One time, my boss needed to travel for a meeting to Mombasa, I was tasked with booking a flight for him, booking his accommodation and ensuring his presentation was up to speed, I had no idea of what I was supposed to do. I messed up! Big time; I failed so miserably that I almost lost that job that was paying me a measly five thousand, which was better that nothing because as interns we were not being paid any😊

There was a time that there was a very important meeting going on, I was tasked to take the minutes of the meeting. One second, I was taking notes of key points, the next second, I had zoned out and missed out on the most important points, the worst part was, my boss ended up fumbling through the slide that I had personally prepared. The presentation got mixed with his personal video of a vacation at some coastal resort. The meeting came to an end abruptly, and it had to be re-scheduled for a later date.

Office secretaries and personal ‘human’ assistants are being replaced or greatly helped by assisting technologies. 

Technology has evolved.  Artificially Intelligent Assistants, also known as AI Assistants, are becoming increasingly popular as they provide personalized and efficient assistance to users in various tasks. These AI assistants are typically designed to interact with users through natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms.

AI assistants like and bring structure and organization in a hybrid world. They ensure meeting wellness through better scheduling, real-time analytics, summaries, transcription, playback, and automated recommendations.

One does not have to worry about missing some important details during meetings. Soon, Artificial Intelligence assistants will take over our offices.


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